Twisting and turning our way towards completion

We’re placing the finishing touches on various areas of the labyrinth: painting, dressing, weed whacking galore. As we shift from construction and workshop to getting ready for performance, a whole new set of challenges will be presented – but we’re up to the task.

Tatiana - our resident painter

Tatiana – our resident painter


Sean - our new crew chief

Sean – our new crew chief and resident plate cleaner


Jack - building inspector

Jack – building inspector and ragamuffin

July 14th we will be holding previews for select members of the press. Tickets are still available for our August 10th and 11th shows – but going fast. Can’t get a ticket? Ask about attending our August 9th dress rehearsal.

Email for tickets or other inquiries.



Halfway through our third weekend of work shopping/trying parts/rehearsing. This process has been very encouraging as we incorporate actors into the fabric of the labyrinth and see how these sections come to life. We have three of the ten parts now cast and will have complete casting done by the end of the final audition weekend, July 13 & 14.

Jerrard and Jonas jamming before dinner

Jerrard and Jonas jamming before dinner


Time passes as we near completion!


A passage through time

A passage through time

Joining us as our new crew chief is Jonas Bonnetta,
singer-songwriter for Polaris Prize nominated collective Evening
Hymns (along with Sylvie Smith, daughter of our very own Artistic
Director). Jonas oversaw the construction of the earth bag
structure last summer, and has returned to aid in the completion of
the labyrinth.

Jonas Bonnetta - campfire singing prodigy

Jonas Bonnetta – campfire singing prodigy

Check out Sylvie and Jonas performing a track from the latest Evening Hymns album: Evening Hymns - Arrows And visit their website:

Thanks again to Battlefield

Battlefield Cat Rentals and rental manager Jeff Stewart
have once again helped us out with the use of a backhoe/loader.
This invaluable assistance has allowed us to complete the last of
the earthworks, landscaping and terraforming and we are very



Chris levelling the area for the last truck trailer

Chris levelling the area for the last truck trailer