Weather…what the @@$!?

We should have known the glorious first two weeks of May wouldn’t last. Slushy days and freezing nights are not something theatre artists have to accommodate unless like us, they are mounting a site specific theatre show. I hope the worst is over now and once the gale force winds stop blowing down our tarps, we should be ok. I have to say though that in spite of the weather our stalwart crew has been doing a fantastic job of forging ahead! Kudos all!

Workshops are starting to fill and we are about to announce plans for final performance…stay tuned.

20130516-170650.jpg shredded kitchen tarp or angry Minotaur?


The earthbag structure is almost complete with the interior parging going quite quickly.

The House of Horrors installation seems to be in good shape – Beauty is lovely (at least onthe surface) and the Beast is, well, the Beast.



Thank yous going out to our supporters: Rocky Ridge Water, Battlefield Cat Rentals, P. G. Towns and Sons General Store and many others.


Kitchen tent

We arrived yesterday and were very pleased to find that everything was secure and in good condition. We opened the storage areas and put up the kitchen. Our crew (Max, Craig, Gabe, John, Chris and Samantha) enjoyed an excellent meal and today we began organizing and gathering materials to begin the final construction.

We have a number of materials from various Patria productions that we are incorporating into the labyrinth. In 1989 we created a gallery installation: The House of Horrors, which has been in storage ever since. We have unearthed the pieces  and are anxious to unwrap them to see what we have…stay tuned.