Rain, rain, GO AWAY!

It’s been a rainy few weeks at the Asterion camp . . .

Leo gathering cedars for the woven path

Leo gathering cedars for the woven path

. . . but it seems our latest guests have brought the good weather with them.

Michael Waterman is a cross-disciplinary artist who works with visual, audio and installation pieces. His works have been exhibited across the nation, including at our own Macdonald Stewart Art Centre in Guelph, as well as the Art Gallery of Ottawa.

Michael Waterman

Michael Waterman

Michael is here to complete Daedalus’ Workshop, an Asterion favourite, which was begun last summer.

For more on Michael’s audio work, visit http://mannlichercarcano.blogspot.ca/p/to-celebrate-mannlichercarcanos-25-th.html to listen to his radio broadcasts.

Also joining us is Angela Thomas, designer of costumes, sets, props and everything in between. Angela has been nominated for seven Dora Mavor Moore awards for costume design, most recently for Modern Times Theatre’s revival of Waiting for Godot.

Angela Thomas

Angela Thomas

Angela is here to complete the underground earth-bag structure, also known as the Arcana.

Don’t forget – tickets are now available for our August 10th and 11th shows. Email astinfo@patria.org and tell us why you want to be a part of Asterion for your chance at a ticket.

We’re also still looking for performers to be a part of the show – sign up for a free weekend workshop to audition.

Performances announced!


There will be very limited space for this unique theatrical experience. Admission by donation for those chosen to attend. For a chance to receive an invitation to attend, send an email telling us why you think you should experience Asterion.

Are you an actor wishing to explore a unique form of theatre? Auditions to be hired for the performance will be held as part of the workshop process so sign up now (The workshops are also open to the public but the workshop fee will be waived for those auditioning to participate Aug 10 & 11).

June and its getting green

Herb Garden2

Sarah laying out the spice garden in 2012

Sarah, who planted gardens around the site last summer was back for a visit and to work with our garden team on new plantings and maintenance of the gardens and forest paths.

Lauren (left) and Emily: gardeners and trailblazers

The Journey Continues . . .

As May winds to a close so do many of our initial projects.

We’ll all be missing the antics of Max, Craig, Gabe, and John, but they did leave us a little something to remember them by.

Fir Baloom

Fir Baloom

Reinhard Reitzenstein also completed his installation and left us, taking his wonderful stories and all the good wine with him:


You only get a peek . . .



However, June is shaping up to be a fabulous month.

We’re happy to welcome back our technical wizard and University of Guelph Theatre Technical Director Chris Clifford, a veteran of many Patria projects.



As well as Leo Hartery, technical protégé extraordinaire.



As we begin to realize this unique production, the ways to get involved are expanding. Sign up for a workshop, audition or volunteer with us.

The road to the labyrinth

The road to the labyrinth